About PoéticaSonora MX

Since its birth in 2016, PoéticaSonoraMX proposes an artistic and academic program conceived as an articulating node between the multiple projects existing in Mexico. Gathering both emerging and long-standing projects, it focuses on initiatives that emphasize the study, production, archiving, and dissemination of practices related to the voice and the word, conceived as extensions to the fields of poetry and sound.

The project is framed along three axes: artistic activities, academic activities, and research, which include the organization and study of materials that make up our Digital Audio Repository (DAR). Initially born within the laboratory of extended literatures and other materialities (lleom-laboratorio de literaturas extendidas y otras materialidades)), the project began to take on a life of its own and was linked to other research groups and instances, such as the Laboratory of Latin American Popular Cultures and Printed Materials (LACIPI, Laboratorio de Cultura e Impresos Populares Iberoamericano) and the National Laboratory of Oral Materials (LANMO, Laboratorio Nacional de Materiales Orales)), where both this site and the repository are currently hosted.

Among the institutions that have supported PoéticaSonoraMX over the years are: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), through the Coordinación de Difusión Cultural, the Dirección de Literatura de la UNAM, the Programa Universitario de Fomento a la Lectura Universo de Letras, Casa del Lago, the Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo (MUAC) and Radio UNAM. Other cultural institutions have supported the project, such as Ex Teresa Arte Actual, Laboratorio Arte Alameda, and Fonoteca Nacional. We have furthermore received valuable support from foreign institutions such as the Goethe Institute, Concordia University, and the Hexagram Institute (with a special grant from the latter for the creation and development of our repository).

From 2019 to 2020, PoéticaSonoraMX received support from the Dirección General de Personal Académico of UNAM, Through the Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación y de Innovación Tecnológica PAPIIT IG400519, “Materialidades de la voz: archivos, impresos y sonido”; from 2021 to 2022 it was part of project PAPIIT IG400221 “Las representaciones de la voz y sus materialidades: archivos, impresos y sonido”; and since 2023 it has been registered as part of PAPIIT IG400623 “Entre la voz y el impreso: fronteras y multimedialidad”.

With its various activities, PoéticaSonoraMX aims to address the material and immaterial sound memory, tracing some of its multiple trajectories to visibilize, study, and give them an outlet from a contemporary, plural, and intermedial standpoint.