Jorge Alberto Pacheco Ozúa
He has a BA degree in Modern Languages and Literatures (English Literature) from UNAM. His thesis explores forms of representation of the body and the voice in electronic literature.
Trained as a drummer, he has worked as a percussion teacher. He has also been an English language teacher and translator. His main interests are the intersections between aesthetics and politics.
He joined PoéticaSonora MX in January 2017, fulfilling his social service until December 2018 within the PIFFYL project of Comparative Literature. He was a fellow of the PAPIIT project (IG400221) ‘Las representaciones de la voz y sus materialidades: archivos, impresos y sonido’. Since then, he has been a volunteer collaborator. He has been involved in the editorialization of the sound archive, field research, logistical organization, interviews, and curatorial support for the Digital Audio Repository. He was also part of the translation team for Oral Poetry by Ruth Finnegan. He has presented papers and participated in forums such as the 3rd international seminar ‘Orality: Borders and Transcendence/Oralidad Fronteras y Transcendencia’, UNAM-UK, London, UK (2023), and LANMO’s international congress in 2021.
Texts published on this website:
- Text for the curatorship of Sarmen Almond DesARTiculACciones VOBOcálicas
- Text in the Beat collection: Bob Dylan’s sound machine and its relationship with tradition.